Whispers of Withdrawal: President’s Family Seeks Exit Plan


President Joe Biden’s isolation at his Delaware home has sparked whispers of a potential withdrawal from the 2024 election, with concerns within his inner circle of trusted advisors intensifying. According to a report by NBC News, the discussions about a possible exit from his campaign are now coming from the President’s family members, who are seeking a carefully calculated plan to put the Democratic Party in the best position to win the election.

Sources close to the President reveal that his family members have been holding discussions about what an exit plan might look like, with a focus on prioritizing the party’s chances of beating former President Donald Trump while also being worthy of Biden’s decades-long public service. The tone of the conversations has been that any exit plan must ensure the party’s success and preserve Biden’s legacy.

The reports come as tensions within the White House and the Democratic Party continue to escalate, with concerns about Biden’s health, family, and the stability of the country reportedly at the forefront of the discussions. The President’s allies have been increasingly vocal about their fears that he may not be fit for another term, and some have even speculated about his ability to maintain his current level of activity.

Despite the rumors, White House Senior Deputy Press Secretary and Deputy Assistant to the President Andrew Bates has denied any possibility of a withdrawal, insisting to “keep the faith.” However, insiders close to the President have reportedly been sharing their concerns with party leaders, donors, and officials involved in Biden’s re-election effort, leading to mounting pressure on the President to reconsider his candidacy.

The uncertainty surrounding Biden’s commitment to the election has only fueled concerns about the party’s chances, especially following the Republican National Convention, which showed unprecedented unity and enthusiasm for Trump. The lack of a cohesive plan and Biden’s isolation have created a sense of urgency, with many Democrats calling for a solution before the Democratic National Convention.

While Bates has downplayed the rumors, the reality is that concerns have been growing among party leaders, donors, and officials, with every passing day since the disastrous debate three weeks ago. As the party’s chances of victory continue to dwindle, speculation about Biden’s future in the race will likely continue to dominate the headlines.

Spencer Brown
Spencer Brown
Managing Editor. Spencer is a regular guest on Fox News whose byline has also appeared in USA Today and other outlets. He is a Foundation for Defense of Democracies media fellow (2023) and an alumnus of the National Journalism Center.

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