Farage Raises Concerns about ‘Division Politics’ as Muslim Voters Support Pro-Gaza Candidates


Brexit advocate Nigel Farage expressed concern over the rise of sectarian politics in Britain as Islamic candidates focused on Gaza-related issues emerged victorious in local elections. While the Labour Party dominated the recent elections, concerns are mounting over Muslim voters shifting towards single-issue candidates. Farage noted the impact of Gaza-related campaigns on Labour’s traditional support base among Muslim voters. The success of candidates like Mothin Ali and Naheed Zohra Gultasib reflects this shift, with independent candidates gaining ground in Muslim-majority areas. This trend, along with George Galloway’s recent parliamentary victory, indicates a shift in British politics, with Muslims prioritizing issues like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Despite these developments, the overall impact on Labour’s electoral prospects remains uncertain.

Kurt Zindulka
Kurt Zindulka
Deputy Editor.

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