Columbia Students Occupy Campus Building, Request Food and Water


Fox News Contributor Mollie Hemingway and Democratic strategist Tim Hogan join ‘MediaBuzz’ to discuss campus antisemitism.

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  1. Oh gee! Maybe she would get it if she was a hostage in some stinkin tunnel! THE UNCIVILIZED ATTACKS AGAINST U.S.A. =2008 policy of Use Freedom against our Pledge of allegiance to the United States of America beyond a reasonable doubt!

  2. Here's your food and water……..


  3. This is absolutely HILARIOUS πŸ˜‚. Proof dumb kids have no idea what the hell they are doing or why they’re even there. Rich college kids are the dumbest category of children.

  4. Sadly, these are the poor losers on the campus, a very small segment of poor self-esteem young people kind of like those discriminated against in HS. Some of them might be quite dangerous while most are looking to "fit in" somewhere and finally dominate control.

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