John Rich declares UNC fraternity’s protection of US flag a landmark event in history: ‘Our nation is under siege’


Country singer John Rich praised a fraternity at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, for their actions in protecting the American flag, emphasizing the importance of young people recognizing that their country is facing threats. Rich made an appearance on Fox and Friends to announce a free concert he will be giving to the UNC Pi Kappa Phi members who safeguarded the flag from being desecrated by protestors. He commended the young men for their courage and respect for the flag, stating that they deserve acknowledgment and reward for their actions.

The concert will be named “Flagstock” as a patriotic nod to the historic Woodstock event. Other musicians have expressed interest in participating in the concert. Rich believes that this event will serve as a wake-up call for young individuals to recognize the challenges their country is facing and to make their voices heard in order to defend it.

In response to the incident, an anonymous group launched a fundraiser that has raised over $16,000 to host a celebration for the fraternity members who defended the flag. Ultra Right Beer has pledged to provide an unlimited amount of their product for the event, and Senator Lindsey Graham has sent food from Chik-fil-A as an additional reward. The fraternity members have stated that the funds raised will be donated to charity, with plans to establish an independent board to oversee the spending.

Jenny Goldsberry
Jenny Goldsberry
Jenny Goldsberry covers social media and trending news. She’s a 2020 Brigham Young University graduate with a major in communications and minor in Japanese. She was born in Utah and has previous newsroom experience at the Salt Lake Tribune and Utah’s NPR station.

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