Former US General Warns Israel is Thinking Through This ‘Very Carefully’


Former U.S. CENTCOM Commander Gen. Joseph Votel weighs in on the anti-Israel protests, arguing that the U.S. should be looking for ways to keep protests ‘peaceful.’

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  1. A bill that just passed the house outlawing criticism of a foreign power and parts of the bible. Fox news has not reported on it of course; and all the Fox News lemmings are still screaming about arresting college kids.

  2. America is the greatest civilisation the world has ever seen. We invented democracy but we need to stick to our traditions. Vince has a good bet that old bin laden is behind all this

  3. Imagine not wanting Israel to strike back because it will mean hell for America because of a bunch of privileged spoiled Ivy League college brats 🤦‍♀️

  4. Netanyahu came here to get his Harvard and MIT degrees then went back to Israel to plan his genocide. But Fox and the GOP don't want YOU to get a quality education at one of our world renowned 4 year universities where you may also pick up some critical thinking skills, they want you to go to trade school to learn how to switch out toilets for the Republican elite.

  5. It's just absurd that the Palestinians still see themselves as refugees for 75 years.
    They could already have their own country but their leaders have refused any attempt for peace during the history (including the Oslo and Camp David talks in the 90s and 00s) and have never offered an alternative.
    Their "refugees camps" (prior to Oct-7th) are actually proper cities.
    Their leaders are corrupted, they prefer to get the money coming from donations, keep the people poor, and always blame Israel for all their problem.
    They teach their ppl about war and revenge (over events from the last century in which both sides weren't flawless) instead of peace and compromise.
    They never really try to SOLVE the problem but they rather USE the problem for their own good.

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