Trump Trial: John Yoo states that the prosecution lacks legal basis


Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo breaks down key takeaways from the N.Y. v. Trump criminal trial that is set to resume Monday.

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  1. The law doesnโ€™t actually matter here. This isnโ€™t about the law at all. Just like giving someone a $300,000,000 bail for a misdemeanor that every single person thatโ€™s ever sold property has committed and continues to commit on a daily basis. This is a political persecution and flagrant election tampering case that the state law boards in these states could care less about as long as you donโ€™t question an election where they liked the outcome then they care.

  2. Thereโ€™s a ton of testimony that he didnโ€™t care about Melania finding out until the election. McDougalโ€™s story had been around for years and Trump didnโ€™t care.

  3. My Trump Trial predictions for MAGAt trolls and Trumpers only.

    He farts, poops his pants, scowls, falls asleep and looks scared and lonely.

    Please post your ad hominem and pointless diatribe below.

    Emojis make you look smarter.

  4. This whole trail is about politics.. nothing else and it's coming straight from the top of the Whitehouse. I don't follow politics and this is so much election interface.

  5. Mr President Donald Trump & First Lady Melania ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ’‹โ€๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜Šโ€™ wonderful America Again.

  6. Trump was in an election, he paid off adult film stars he had affairs with to help his chances, he lied about it by filing fraudulent business records. We all know it, and itโ€™s illegal. Lock him up!

  7. Mr. Yoo is speaking on the assumption that the judge is actually interested in justice. He's not. His only interest is to damage President Trump in any way that he can, and he is ignoring the law and the constitution altogether. In any sort of fair trial, a "gag" order must apply to everyone, not only the defendant.

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