Filmmaker Michael Moore Calls on President Biden to Step Down


Michael Moore, a prominent filmmaker, has added his voice to the growing chorus of individuals urging President Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race. In a recent article on his website, Moore implored Biden to prioritize his health and well-being over his campaign.

Moore pointed out that one in five previous presidents did not complete their term, and suggested that Biden’s enablers are pressuring him to continue his campaign despite his declining health. He urged Biden to stop wasting time and focus on ensuring that Trump does not return to the White House.

Moore also expressed his gratitude to Biden for his accomplishments, stating that he will be remembered throughout history. However, he emphasized that Biden’s health is paramount and that he should prioritize his well-being over his campaign.

In an interview on MSNBC, Moore accused the Democratic Party and those who are part of the apparatus of committing “elder abuse” by continuing to push Biden, who is 81 years old. He described watching the recent debate as “heartbreaking” and questioned why no one was taking action to address Biden’s declining health.

Moore urged Biden to undergo a full medical evaluation, stating that something was clearly wrong during the debate. He emphasized that it is important to prioritize Biden’s health and well-being, and that his eyes were not lying when he saw the president’s struggles during the debate.

Leah Barkoukis
Leah Barkoukis
Online Features Editor.

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