Recent Immigrants Receive More Benefits than Life-Long Social Security Recipients, Sen. Rubio Says


Senator Marco Rubio took to the Senate floor to express outrage over the fact that recent immigrants often receive more federal benefits than Social Security recipients who have worked their entire lives to qualify for their benefits.

Rubio highlighted the case of Cuban refugees who arrived in the US up to 40 years ago, became contributing members of society, and earned a Social Security benefit. He noted that many of these individuals, who have been productive members of society for decades, receive less in Social Security benefits than recent immigrants, including those who have arrived in the country in the past few years, for far less effort.

Rubio pointed out that a 29-year-old Cuban refugee who arrived in the US three months ago, doesn’t work, and receives $1,500 a month in benefits from the government. This individual is able to travel back to Cuba 15 times a year, while a Social Security recipient who has worked their entire life may receive a smaller benefit.

Rubio emphasized that this is not just a problem for Cuban migrants, but is occurring across the board. Recent migrants are more likely to be on welfare than even US citizens. A 2022 study found that 54 percent of households headed by a migrant used one or more major welfare program, compared to 39 percent for natural-born citizens.

The study also found that illegals use welfare at an even higher rate than legal migrants, with 59 percent of households headed by illegals receiving welfare compared to 52 percent of legal migrants. Additionally, immigrant-led households make far more use of food-related welfare, Medicaid, and the Earned Income Tax Credit than US-born households.

Even immigrant-led homes with higher education and income levels use welfare more than similar American-led homes. Rubio’s comments highlight the need for a comprehensive overhaul of the US immigration system and the need to ensure that benefits are distributed fairly and equitably.

Warner Todd Huston
Warner Todd Huston
Warner Todd Huston has been writing editorials and news since 2001 but started his writing career penning articles about U.S. history back in the early 1990s. Huston has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN and several local Chicago news programs to discuss the issues of the day. Additionally, he is a regular guest on radio programs from coast to coast. Warner works out of the Chicago area.

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