'NOT SO CRAZY' to expect Biden to take a mental exam: Dr. Nicole Saphier


Fox News medical contributor Dr. Nicole Saphier joins ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ to discuss President Biden’s refusal to take an independent mental test.

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  2. At this point voter's pretty much know the candidates. The way the last presidential election turned out, the number of down ballot republican wins were not insignificant! But republicans didn't vote for trump in the same numbers.  After J6 it's certain that republicans that were on the edge last election will not be voting for trump again.  As the campaign progresses and the more deranged threats trump makes,  I don't believe republicans will be more supportive of trump. What I see, are more republicans that won't condemn trump openly with friends and family. But they have enough conscious they understand what a threat trump is to humanity. After the last presidential election results, I believe when republicans in secret, fill out their ballot. They won't necessarily vote for President Biden but they can't bring themselves to vote for trump!

  3. The election should be about policy. When you hear Donald Trump speak, he sounds crazy. I ve never heard Donald Trump discuss any policy, as he lacks that capacity.
    Trump voters don't realize Trump's own policies go against them, as most Trump voters are lower income and uneducated.

  4. With all due respect to the President, if he is having a cognitive test every single day then he is failing the test every single day! So the fact that he would be expected to fail a cognitive test would be nothing out of the ordinary!

  5. If the Republicans were smart, they would abandon Trump and put up a viable candidate.

    Trump lost to Biden in 2020, not because people love Biden. They don't. They don't love him and certainly don't worship him, but the hatred of Trump gave Biden the win.

    The voters will do the same this year.

    Any other viable Republican will beat Biden.

    Anybody will beat Trump, as was demonstrated in 2020.

    When a ship is sinking, folks get in the lifeboats.

    In this case, the GOP is clinging to the anchor as it sinks into the abyss.

  6. Look, he knows and we know that he'd flunk that test completely. And so he will never consent to take that test. We've all met the loud-mouthed showoff who boasts he can run a hundred in ten flat or bench press 300 pounds — but is never willing to actually demonstrate it. Well, Biden has been like this his whole life. He lied about his academic record back in 1987 and had to drop out of the Democratic primary and he's lying about his mental competence now. The one thing that's remained constant throughout the last half century of Biden's political life is his propensity to shamelessly lie. Now this old coot needs to get booted out.

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