Robert De Niro: My indifference to politics changed with Trump


Fox News contributor Joe Concha joined ‘Fox & Friends First’ to discuss his reaction to De Niro’s recent MSNBC interview and why Democrats are reportedly worried college protests may held Trump in November.

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  1. De Niro, I am so so so DISAPPOINTED IN YOU. I will never watch another one of your MOVIES ever again

    Good luck, DE Niro. You'll need it at THIS point , Your career is DONE

  2. Come on now, we all know that actors and actresses go on the camera protesting because they're just trying to get their name out in the open again. Nothing more than a marketing stunt. I mean do you people really believe that actors and actresses really care?

  3. I have seen fan videos of Robert De Niro. He acts like a five year old having temper tantrums. Don’t know how he got so many acting roles acting like a spoiled child, unless it was after his success that he turned into a child.

  4. I love that the judge in Trump's hush money trial started out this morning by informing Trump that contrary to the idiotic claims he was making outside the courtroom yesterday that the gag order in no way stops Trump from testifying in the trial. Every defendant in an American courtroom has a constitutional right to testify, and of course I am sure that even some of the MAGA cult realizes this basic fact, although no doubt many in the cult believed Trump when he said such idiocy yesterday. It is hilarious that the judge had to point this out to the MAGA Moron-in-Chief! LOL GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

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