Refuting 10 False Claims Made by Democrats About Elections


The Democrats have been spreading lies about various subjects, including elections and voter integrity since the 2020 election. They have used disinformation tactics to discredit legitimate concerns about election integrity, labeling anyone who questions controversial elections won by Democrats as “election deniers.” Despite their own history of questioning elections they did not win, such as the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the left continues to spread falsehoods about U.S. elections to maintain and increase their control over the government.

Here are ten of the biggest lies Democrats tell about U.S. elections:

1. Election integrity laws suppress voters, a claim debunked by multiple court rulings that have found no evidence to support it.

2. The claim that the 2020 election was the “most secure in American history” is inaccurate, given the numerous irregularities and incidents of fraud that occurred during the election.

3. Voter fraud does exist, as evidenced by recent cases where illegal votes have affected election outcomes.

4. The narrative that election workers are under siege due to threats, especially from Trump supporters, lacks evidence and has not materialized during past elections.

5. Ranked-choice voting is not as fair as its proponents claim, often leading to inaccurate election results and high rates of discarded ballots.

6. Contingent electors are not fake or unlawful, and their use is not unprecedented in U.S. election history.

7. The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) is not non-partisan, as it has ties to leftist activists and Democrat organizations.

8. Mail-in voting is not as secure and reliable as Democrats claim, as recent reports have highlighted vulnerabilities in the postal system.

9. Despite claiming to be the party of democracy, Democrats are using lawfare tactics to hinder their political rivals and undermine the electoral process.

10. Biden’s federal election takeover through Executive Order 14019 is not a non-partisan outreach effort, as it involves federal agencies interfering in state and local election administration in a way that Congress did not authorize.

The misinformation spread by Democrats about U.S. elections is a dangerous trend that undermines the integrity of the electoral process and the trust of the American people in their government.

Shawn Fleetwood
Shawn Fleetwood
Shawn Fleetwood is a graduate of the University of Mary Washington, where he acquired a Bachelor of the Arts degree in Political Science with a minor in Journalism. His work has been featured in several other news publications, such as RealClearPolitics, RealClearDefense, The Federalist, and Conservative Review.

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