LA Mayor Criticizes Anti-Israel Protests at UCLA as Unacceptable


Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on violence erupting at UCLA and police intervening at Tulane University where protests were cleared out.

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  1. Surprised she bothered. She's right now in DC begging for help in increasing our homeless population. Yeah I know what I said, I stand by it. That's her goal.

  2. The l8berals of California invited them, funded them, fired them up…and NOW they've had enough,
    Californians should be FORCED to live with what they've advocated for decades: PHUK AMERICA!!
    FORCE then to keep these Islamic monsters, and when they inevitably resort to acts of terrorism ….CALIFORNIANS SHOULD PAY THE PRICE!!
    ….with pain and fear.

  3. This government is threatening to round up and deport MILLIONS! They will waste away in detainment camps. You can't possibly care for them. There are already millions of homeless Americans. Now why couldn't the world see this coming and deal with the problem while it was still manageable?

  4. What do you expect from a mayor that is a devout marxist admirer of Fidel Castro and Maduro, look into her background and people still voted for her.

  5. IS that a green laser someone is pointing? Not good. That can blind someone. I know these lefties are blind to the ways the world world already, but let's not make them legally blind, that's not cool.

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