Senate Republicans convene press conference to address anti-Israel protests at college campuses


Republican Senators Roger Marshall, Tom Cotton, James Lankford, Dan Sullivan, John Kennedy, Rick Scott, Joni Ernst, and John Cornyn, hold a press conference to condemn the rampant anti-Semitic and pro-Hamas protests at universities and colleges around the country.

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  1. The U.S. will soon be Zionism-free so either get on with the program y’all or MAGA offers free 1 way tickets on EL AL to the Pariah…they will throw in a free Uber to the airport for you…

  2. My American high school student just had to spend 3 months in public school studying the Holocaust, reading Night and watching Life is Beautiful, and there was NO MENTION OF PALESTINE OR JEWISH EMIGRATION TO THE MIDDLE EAST!!! THE US IS A SICK JOKE! AMERICAN “EDUCATION” IS ZOMBIE INDOCTRINATION!

  3. Here is a quote for you.. Benjamin Netanyahu? You’re under arrest you S<O>B! You have the right to remain silent! You’re going to jail for the rest of your remaining miserable days! You and your criminal government!

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