Laura Ingraham: Biden Appears Disoriented on D-Day


Fox News host Laura Ingraham puts President Biden’s commemoration of D-Day under the microscope on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’

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  1. Fox is nothing more than a propaganda network full of lies and disinformation.
    Trump said fallen soldiers were suckers and losers. What a disgrace.

  2. Still trying to figure out why he turned and saluted the veterans during taps. He should have stayed facing forward where the cemetery was and saluted. Taps is played for the dead not the living.

  3. Biden is on a fast track to total in-coherency… two months from now, he will seem like a mute…being unable to utter a word…all this is a rebound effect from the Drug Cocktails he is using to stave off his degenerative condition….thank his wife and Staff.

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