AOC Criticizes Eric Adams and Columbia University Over NYPD Raid on Campus


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) criticized Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams and the presidents of Columbia University. Ocasio-Cortez expressed her disapproval in response to comments made by Adams during a press conference where he suggested that the protest at Columbia University had been influenced by external agitators.

Ocasio-Cortez warned that if any harm came to students, the mayor and university presidents would bear responsibility. She highlighted the contrast in approach taken by other leaders and schools that prioritized safety and de-escalation. Ocasio-Cortez described the situation as a looming disaster and called on the Mayor to reconsider his actions.

The NYPD clad in riot gear conducted a raid on the Columbia University campus to remove anti-Israel protesters from Hamilton Hall, which they had taken control of earlier. Video footage showed protesters breaking glass doors, carrying barricades, and displaying pro-Palestinian banners.

Following the occupation of the building, Columbia University announced restrictions on campus access for the rest of the semester and warned that occupying students would face expulsion. The university had initially given protesters a deadline to vacate the encampment but was compelled to take action after the vandalism and blockade of Hamilton Hall.

Columbia University stated that it had no choice but to implement these measures after the actions of the anti-Israel protesters.

Elizabeth Weibel
Elizabeth Weibel
Maryland raised. Virginia based.

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