Trump expresses sorrow over the situation


Former President Trump tells ‘Hannity’ that President Biden needs to ‘do something’ and that he must ‘strengthen up’ amid anti-Israel protests on college campuses nationwide.

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  1. This is a reflection of a failed public school system and a complete lack of knowledge of world history & a bazaar indoctrination of identity politics based on a complete lack of knowledge of empirical historical facts!!!

  2. What are you guys talking about?! Wrong theyโ€™re protestors, protesting against GENOCIDE!!! Essentially what Israel says, itโ€™s illegal to oppose their racial, cruel, illegal conduct by all measures, crossing all boundaries, unimaginable narcissist evil Satanist!

  3. Speaking of someone paying to support these protesters…. Notice how all the tents match? Mostly white tents with a green rain fly. Also a bunch of orange tents. What a coincidence that they all happen to have the same 4 man tents. And it's not just at the one campus. it's all across the country.

  4. Qatar must be stopped from donating money to schools across American universities and Europe but rather such funds should be directed to poor Arab countries.The antisemitism protest across American is undoubtedly heavily sponsored by Qatar,Iran and other interest countries if not properly and timely controlled will consume America.
    Hamas to refuse ceasefire deals at all points of negotiations instead demanding for more food aids and make shift structures which always responded to but without Hamas complying. It's all nonsense Biden is trying to mortgage America integrity for his polical interest thinking by the time he scolded ,threatened,and restrained Israel from launching attack on Rafa well that sounds right but what about October 7 demonic invasion of Israel by Hamas and subsequent missile attacks on Israel by Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies are they not targeting Israeli civilians the hostages are there not civilians among them? .Biden Will fail this election and will contrary to his expectations disappointed by Arab Americans in this election because they will not vote for him.

  5. The fascist antisemitic Democratic party has become a " clear and present danger" to the survival of our country!! Reminds me of Hitlers Brown shirts!! DOJ and FBI traitors are protecting these subversive activities too !!!

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