Jesse Watters: Exceeding the red lines


Fox News’ Bryan Llenas reports the latest on the chaos at Columbia University.

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  1. This could be a move to make false civil unrest so they can declare martial law. Its a big part of the globalist play book to cause manufactered consent. Make an issue that wasnt there than offer a solution that gives the government powers no sane normal population would ever give.

  2. Not true.. the students don’t Really know Why they are there.. they just want to do something different and be a part of something that causes attention..
    So don’t give them attention!

  3. Reject Jesus the Christ, and you WILL get the chaos with all the consequences.
    Love God and love your neighbor, this only can really make America great again.
    God, have mercy with America! 🙏🇺🇲

  4. The protesting students who have taken over the building, are speaking to a reporter and have demanded that we feed
    them (apparently they want humanitarian Aid). 🤣😂😂😅🤣The reporter said "But you guys put yourself in that
    position" – they look sad and slightly Hungary 🤣😂😅🤣

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