Judge Jeanine: This Was the Democrats’ ‘Worst Nightmare’


‘The Five’ co-hosts weigh in on New York Gov. Kathy Hochul calling Trump supporters β€˜clowns’ and the media’s reaction to former President Trump’s rally in the Bronx.

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  1. Just compare Biden's dysfunctional brain, family and administration with Trumps mentality, successful family and prize winning administration which was 4 years of a comfortable economy and no wars. Anyone who had a hard time during Trump needs to take a course in money management.

  2. If this were going to be a real and fair election, Trump would win in a Reagan style landslide. I just fear it will be 2020 on steroids. This time though The People will not buy the propaganda of the mainstream media when they try to say, a week after the election and the midnight ballot drops after polling places close early for the night, that Biden won with 85 million votes this time around.

  3. In short my wife and I have worked more than 40 years each and under the Trump administration we were living better than ever, but in three short years under the Joe Briben administration we spend between 9-12,000 dollars a year for the same lifestyle.

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