RFK Jr.: ‘I’m Eligible for the Debates’


Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr responds to questions about his debate eligibility.

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  1. I think Kennedy is speaking out both sides of his mouth. He says only what the people want to hear, and when the next group comes along he panders to them. Hear his words, don’t just listen to what he says.

  2. if he qualifies….. .let him on stage. ….none the less, he will be little more than a detractor, as was Ron Paul. Our enemies have no reason to fear RFK. that is not good
    Biden has done and is still doing serious damage to our nation on every level , and should be put in prison for his deeds
    The businessman gave us security , Biden has nearly destroyed all of that. Biden rarely knows what day it is, much less why our nation is in downward free-fall.

  3. There’s no way Biden’s poll ratings are that high! Fake news! mr. Kennedy, nobody’s looking for another Kennedy, especially the deep state. you’re probably just as hated as Trump so don’t get your hopes up

  4. Hes making all of the right points. This dude seems like a legit leader, though i think most people dont realize how far the 25-40 year olds today have fallen from the tree of grace. That dream is gone for most of them, as they fell down the drain of society.

  5. Rfk has talking points. Which is great but does he have solutions? I have still to hear what he will do. Debate he must. He speaks a big game yet Trump has proven how to deal with the economy. Trump increased the defecit because the army was depleated and then we received the covid virus. Trump will decrease the deficit with all the trade wars he has won. Trump2024

  6. I don't trust JFK Jr., he just said the truth about abortions, that if he gets elected, he will put Roe vs wade back on the books and everything will come down on our heads with brimstone in the sky!

  7. 😮😮with all due respect Mr Kennedy. President Trump had to rebuild our entire military!
    I do however think you deserve secret service protection. ITS RIDICULOUS….

  8. What are they so afraid of? Americans deserve the right to vote for the best candidate and not the lesser of two evils. I wrote in Kennedy in California primary. I will vote for him in November. Two failed presidents are not who we need right now with all the problems they created. We are in desperate need of change. I remember Camelot.

  9. Is Fox News going to tell the trumpists about trump literally blacking out for a full 2 minutes yesterday at his speech to the NRA? Yea. They immediately started playing loud music in an attempt to cover it up😂😂😂

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