‘Of course’ Kamala Harris is downplaying her contingency plan if Biden loses


Former California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder reacts to Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom touting the state as a ‘national model’ for tackling homelessness on ‘Fox & Friends Weekend.’

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  1. There is a new Republican movement to get away from cult of personality politics (like Putin, Viktor Orbán) and return to traditional values of a free and open society, a free-market economy, free of hate and intolerance, and American world leadership to protect democracy and human rights.

    This movement opposes voter suppression and stands for truth, democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law, and stands against isolationist authoritarianism.

    Its being created by dozens of prominent current and former Repubs including former U.S. Reps. Barbara Comstock of Virginia and Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania, former Chairman of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele, and many more.

    The foreign bots are going to have major issues this!

  2. Why doesn't Fauxnews talk about Trumplicans biggest plans ?👉 Their Project 25' Authoritarian agenda.. Is it that scary?.. F**k yeah, it is !!
    It's the way they'll take over the Country and all of It's non political Departments, schools, religion, women's rights, racial rights, DOJ, FBI, FDA, EPA, Voting, you name it they'll have 10k mostly White tRump Loyalists ready to go for tRump's dream of being like Kim Jong Un..🤬

  3. Newsom literally said “veterans’” homelessness. He was hoping that no one would hear the veterans part because people have moved to California to be homeless on the beach and get money for just existing not for working and being a productive citizen rather than a leach on hardworking Americans.

  4. What do you mean if Biden loses!
    He's going to!
    So will she!
    She couldn't even carry her own state 5 years ago. Kamala Harris is done. The American people are done with Kamala Harris.

  5. Fun fact: despite California homeless problems, California still creates more wealth, GDP, then Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Arkansas combined!👈🤣🤣😅🤣😅

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