Gregg Jarrett: Proof that Cohen lied to jurors in NY v. Trump


Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett discusses the texts suggesting former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen might have lied about the content of a 2016 phone call during the NY v. Trump case.

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  1. Democratic efforts🤣🤣🤣 to try to portray the  Trump as too extreme 🤷‍♂️don't seem to be playing to Democratic advantage 🤣🤣🤣🤣because Democrats are described by just as many as extreme. Trump has a 85% advantage over Brandon!

  2. As much as I liked watching fox years ago I stopped watching when commercials for woke ideology started appearing during commercials. They’re all lying to all of us by omission.

  3. Spot on Greg. Even lib MSM knows Cohen is a liar saying a lot of his testimony is all lies. Cohen has a history of lying about nearly everything, lying to business associates, judges, prosecutors, IRS, Banks, Congress & Thursday he lied in this trial too. Cohen testified that on Oct. 24, 2016, he called Trump’s bodyguard Keith Schiller in what he said was an effort to reach Trump. According to Cohen’s testimony, when Schiller answered, he brought in Trump, and then Cohen, again, according to his testimony, told Trump that the Stormy Daniels payment was all taken care of. But the defense produced texts, phone records evidence to prove the call was instead about harassing phone calls he had received from a prank caller. Cohen appeared to want Schiller to sic the Secret Service on the prankster.

  4. For gods sake I wish they would let this man run for president without trying to make him a criminal villain every other week. This is who most people want, get over it democrats.

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