Attacker of Paul Pelosi sentenced to 30 years in prison


Fox News senior correspondent Claudia Cowan has the latest on the emotional sentencing hearing on ‘America Reports.’

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  1. Why was there so many lies involved? they could of just released video, immediately! but oh no, the dems had to start with a bunch of trump conspiracies.

  2. yet the dems get no accountability for releasing bio weapon covid vax harming /killing millions. stealing tax money etc.. Lawsuit is going on for release bio weapon covid vax with lies and no science usage.

  3. Examples need to be established. This is a good thing…and this is why they can’t allow Presidents to commit crimes without heavy punishment. No one should have immunity from crimes that they committed.. NO ONE!!

  4. Why is not fox asking the ? If would have been a ca person nothing happen s to this guy that was not justice that’s just more of all for us none for you. Just shows Fox News is the swamp

  5. Madoff: 100 years
    Bankman: 12 years (with good behavior)
    This guy: 30 years

    Sentencing seems pretty random. Yes different crimes, but how did Bankman get such a short sentence despite being one of the largest frauds in the world…ever?

  6. Funny how no media or investigation to the citizens of America. These a$$ holes hijacked America and now we’re are the slaves. We get what we deserve for giving in and losing our constitutional rights thru immorality.

  7. No – it was not "the hammer" that had such a devastating effect on "the Family" but the facts that –
    – Nancy forgot to lock the door like in the Capitol. Nobody ever answered why the alarm system was not working.
    – Having pictures of her father in underwear with another dude in underwear running around the kitchen counter raisequestionssn about what kind of friends he has.
    Get real here – yes – facts about the family have been made public – and that is what must affect their relationship with each other.

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